International Society for Ultrasound in Rheumatology

The Society

The Society

The main mission of the international society for ultrasound in rheumatology is to provide a full educational choice for the application of diagnostic and interventional ultrasound in rheumatological practice.

International Society for Ultrasound in Rheumatology

Actually there are many well-built educational programs by several very prestigious societies and our attempt is not to replace them but to create an alternative opportunity of education for doctors that want to have an in-dept knowledge of this topic.

For this reason alongside the well known basic and advanced courses on US technique, we offer pathology oriented courses, anatomical focused courses, on-demand courses and tutoring and several types of interventional US courses.

Reseacrh Projects

Beside education, we will try to promote research projects involving the student participating to our courses.

First level MSUS

Physics of US, seting of the machine, B-mode and doppler, artifacts, basic semeiotics, US anatomy and scanning techinque of joints.

Second level MSUS

Basic pathological findings, quantification of findings, frequent mistakes, pathology in the different areas, how to write reports, basic interventional US

Third level MSUS

These courses are both evidence and experience based courses where the correct and efficient implementation of US in clinical practice and clinical research are discussed.